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Willyabrup Food and Wine Cycle trail.

What do you think about this? A 14km food and wine cycle trail around the Willyabrup (Wilyabrup) wine region. A loop containing 23 wineries, 7 restaurants and5 local craft shops. This subregion is the most densely packed loop in Margaret River for wine and food offerings and contains some of the most picturesque surroundings in Margaret River.

We have attached the feasibility study at the bottom of this post. Completed in late 2019 by by the DoT, SWDC and Tourism WA, with other relevant organisations (including the City of Busselton, Shire of Augusta Margaret River, MRBTA and the Margaret River Wine Association) providing support for the project.

Not only did the study find that the project was feasible, but that there would be a huge economic benefit to the local community. At a minimum the study found that for the money invested in creating the loop there would be a 3;1 return

The lack of a comparable product in the region, and the assessment of the market demand included in this study clearly show that the trail would, if built to meet the market needs, generate significant visitors and trail users, and these would in turn generate regional income and help develop jobs in the region. The proposal has a strong benefit cost ratio and the study has erred on the conservative side in estimating demand for the trail.

In order for the trail to be feasible, a project owner needs to be established. The owner would ideally be one or both of the Councils, as it will be necessary to enter into voluntary agreements with landowners where road reserve or road verge trail development is not possible, or considered not ideal due to vegetation clearance or rider safety issues.

So where to from here. Why are we posting this? We want this to happen. We want local council to own the project. Anyone that can assist in making this happen email me. . Or lobby your local council member.

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